
I sing of golden-throned Hera whom Rhea bare. Queen of the Immortals is she, surpassing all in beauty: she is the sister and wife of loud-thundering Zeus,--the glorious one whom all the blessed throughout high Olympos reverence and honour even as Zeus who delights in thunder.

— Homeric Hymn 12 to Hera (trans. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C7th to 4th B.C.

The mother of all parsers.


Hera uses Parsing Expression grammars to create parsers for programatic languages.

Hera grammars are indentation based. Rules are left most and indented beneath them are choices that satisfy the rule. Parsing makes heavy use of the built in regular expression capabilities of JavaScript. Terminals are either literal strings or regular expressions. Rules are composed of choices or sequences of other rules and terminals.

The first rule listed in the grammar is the starting point. Each choice for the rule is checked in order, returning on the first match.


Rule - A named production. Rules are an ordered choice of rules, sequences, choices, and terminals.

Choice - One thing or another. Choice components are separated by /. Rules can have choices each on a separate indented line.

Sequence - One thing after another. Sequence components are separated by spaces.

Terminal - A string literal or regular expression. In either case the entire terminal must be matched at the exact position.

Repetition - + and * for one or more and zero or more repetitions of an element. Repetitions return an array when they match.

Predicate - Assert the existince of non-existence of a match without advancing the position or consuming any input.

Handler - A mapping from the matched choice to a language primitive. Handlers are attached to rule choices by adding -> after the choice. The most general handler is JavaScript code indented four spaces beneath the choice. There is also shorthand notation for mapping to the nth matching regex group or item in a sequence.


If these demos are not interactive then view this page at https://danielx.net/hera/docs/README.html

URL Parser https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986

#! hera url

Math example.

#! hera math

Hera is self generating:

#! hera hera

Token location example

#! hera
  Punctuation? A+ Punctuation? ->
    return [].concat($1, $2, $3)

  ("a" / "A") ->
    return {type: "A", loc: $loc, value: $1}

  "!" / "." / "?" ->
    return {type: "Punctuation", loc: $loc, value: $1}

Regex Groups

#! hera
  /1-(\d{3})-(\d{3})-(\d{4})/ -> [1, 2, 3]

#! hera
  NamedMapping NamedMapping

  Punctuation -> ["P", 0]



EOL - End of line

EOS - End of statement

EOF - End of file/input

_ - Whitespace

V2 Ideas

Easier way to output a string from a portion of a matching sequence. Maybe add a caret/select prefix operator.

Optimize option, sequence, and repetition of regexes (combine together) to reduce calls to invoke.

Splat in mapping and other convience mappings.

Named arguments to handlers.

Reduce backtracking on common subsequence:

  Indent Sequence EOS (Indent ^Sequence EOS)+ -> ["/", [2, 4...]]
  Indent Sequence EOS -> 2

The above rule should be able to be made efficient (won't need to backtrack all the way to the beginning) since it has a common subsequence it should be able to re-use the work already done.

One alternative is to make it one rule with an optional section and add logic into the handler, but that seems crude.

#! setup